Liquidity Episode & Token Sale Launch

3 min readJan 18, 2021


The iYield team would like to invite you to participate in our long-awaited Liquidity Episode!

Launch Time

Our Liquidity Episode is going live on our platform on the 18th of January 2021, currently scheduled launch time is 12:00pm EST timezone.

The Liquidity Episode will be live for 11 days, that is until 29th of January 2021 ending at 10:30pm EST timezone.

Times are subject to change.

Liquidity Episode

We offer two options for our users to participate and invest in the Yield Bank protocol, that is token sales and liquidity.

Our first option is like any other token sale or ICO launch. There are two tokens on the Yield Bank platform — our flagship token yB, which is our native token required to own in a minimum of $25 for access to Yield Bank’s platform. Without yB in your wallet, you will not be able to access Yield Bank’s platform. Our next token is our rewards token yCASH. yCASH is our token paid in rewards for many areas of Yield Bank profit generation and has a structure in place to help support yB as well as itself built directly into its token economics.

The next area we have is provision of liquidity. All liquidity suppliers are paid passive income for an unlimited amount of time that they hold the LP token. When applying liquidity to Yield Bank’s yB-ETH or yC-ETH pools, you will be paid 0.3% of the trading volume in your proportional share of the pool’s liquidity everyday forever. Liquidity providing is an important structure in DeFi and a passive income generator with unlimited earning potential. All liquidity in Yield Bank and its Uniswap pools is locked forever thereby solving liquidity issues that plagued new projects in the past. As the liquidity will always be available you will now always be able to enter or exit your token position in the market with plenty of liquidity to complete the sale.

Providing liquidity within Yield Bank also has its advantages, as with our revolutionary product Liquid Lend, you will always be able to access your locked liquidity by using Liquid Lend to collateralize your LP token for cash. This allows you to keep gaining passive income in the pools and to access that liquidity for cash at any time, all without having to sell your LP and lose your LP position.

Follow us on any of our social media accounts listed below to stay updated.

The article and any other associated content of Yield Bank does not constitute as financial advice. Cryptocurrencies are a high risk investment and may not be suitable for all members of the public and all types of investors. This is an experiment in DeFi yield aggregating to bring longer and steadier yields to its users.

Next article coming up: TBA





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Liquidity Episode date: 18th January 2021

